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SPS Comparison to Conventional System

SPS VS Concrete Sheet Pile

Multipurpose Panel System
Concrete Sheet Piles
Cost of ConstructionWorthExpensive
Execution TimeFastRather fast execution time
Ease of ImplementationQuite easy, the work needed to be done carefully for good result. Quite easy, the work needed to be done carefully for good result.
Soil Bearing Capacity RequiredAble to be erected on low-high soil bearing capacity ground without any additional structure.Able to be erected on low-high soil bearing capacity ground (for low bearing capacity ground needed additional anchor pile structure)
Quality and GeometryGreat stability and strong structure, needed extra protection (coating) for the trunk binders (steel bracing) to prevent rusting (coating with grout cement or grease)Very good, strong and stable structure.
Strength and Capability of ConstructionVery good strength and capability, no need for dewatering, the top of structure is able for utilization (e.g. mobilization track) after the structure is perfectly constucted.Good strength and capability, no need for dewatering, but top of structure cannot be used for activity (needed additional construction to stabilize sheet piles if planned to build road)
Area Coverage Required for ConstructionSmall coverage area (efficient)Small coverage area (efficient)
Equipments Required for ConstructionQuite manyQuite many
Labor ForceRather Few EmploymentRather huge employment
Fill MaterialFill material needed based by design, utilization of fill material are efficient.-
Social ImpactVery lowLow

SPS VS Concrete Sheet Pile VS Retaining Wall

Construction TypeSPSConcrete Sheet PileConventional Retaining Wall
Construction Cost512
Execution Time532
Ease of Implementation443
Bearing capacity532
Quality, and Geometry554
Capability of Construction544
Required Land Area444
Use of Tool323
Employment 333
Filler Material455
Social Impact544

Scoring point

  1. Very bad
  2. Bad
  3. Enough
  4. Good
  5. Very Good

SPS is a systematic solution for a medium to large construction work or construction work with a high-level nature difficulties

SPS is purely 100% new invention and innovation.
Copyrights, Intellectual Property Rights and Patent are registered.

Schema Precast System Is


Environment Friendly




Low Cost

Reduced Time